Conversion tables
Here you find conversion factors for length, area, mass, volume, pressure, density and more.
Here you find conversion factors for length, area, mass, volume, pressure, density and more.
To convert: | Multiply by: |
Centimetres to inches | 0,3937 |
Cubic centimetres to cubic inches | 0,06103 |
Cubic feet to cubic metres | 0,02832 |
Cubic inches to cubic centimetres | 16,39 |
Cubic inches to litres | 0,01639 |
Cubic metres to cubic feet | 35,32 |
Cubic metres to cubic yards | 1,308 |
Cubic yards to cubic metres | 0,7645 |
Feet to metres | 0,3048 |
Grammes to lbs | 0,002205 |
Inches to centimetres | 2,540 |
Inches to millimetres | 25,40 |
Kilograms to lbs | 2,205 |
Kilograms to tons (imp) | 0,0009842 |
Kilos per sq. mm to tons per sq. in | 0,635 |
Metres to feet | 3,281 |
Millimetres to inches | 0,0394 |
N/mm2 to tons f/in2 (imp) | 0,06475 |
Pounds to kilograms | 0,4536 |
Pounds per foot to kilos per metre | 1,488 |
Square centimetres to sq. inches | 0,1550 |
Square feet to sq. metres | 0,09290 |
Square inches to sq. centimetres | 6,452 |
Square metres to sq. feet | 10,76 |
Fahrenheit to Celsius | °C = 5/9(°F – 32) |
Celsius to Fahrenheit | °F = (°C x 9/5) + 32 |
Celsius to Kelvin | °K = °C + 273 |
Tons (imp) per sq. in to kilos per sq. mm | 1,575 |
Tons f/in2 (imp) to N/mm2 | 15,444 |
Tons (imp) to kilograms | 1016,0 |
Length: | mm | m |
1 inch (in) | 25,4 | 0,0254 |
1 feet (ft) | 304,8 | 0,3048 |
Inch | Feet | |
1 mm | 0,039370 | 0,003281 |
1 m | 39,370 | 3,2808 |
Area: | mm2 | m2 |
1 in2 | 645,16 | 0,000645 |
1 ft2 | 92903 | 0,09290 |
in2 | ft2 | |
1 mm2 | 0,00155 | |
1 m2 | 1550 | 10,764 |
Mass: | Kg | Tonnes (1000 kg) |
1 pound | 0,4536 | 0,00045 |
1 UK ton | 1016,05 | 1,01605 |
1 US short ton | 907,185 | 1,1023 |
lb | UK tons | |
1 kg | 2,20462 | 0,00098 |
1 ton | 2204,62 | 0,9842 |
1 US short ton | 2000,0 | 0,89286 |
Mass/Length: | Kg/m | |
1 lb/tum | 17,858 | |
1 lb/fot | 1,48816 | |
Ib/tum | Ib/fot | |
1 Kg/m | 0,056 | 0,672 |
Volyme | cm3 | m3 |
1 in3 | 16,387 | 0,00001639 |
1 ft3 | 28316,8 | 0,02832 |
in3 | ft3 | |
1 cm3 | 0,06103 | |
1 m3 | 35,31 | |
Pressure/stress: | N/mm2 | Kgf/mm2 |
1 lbf/in2 | 0,006895 | 0,000703 |
1 tonf/in2 | 15,444 | 1,5794 |
1 Kgf/mm2 | 9,8066135 | 1 |
lbf/in2 | tonf/in2 | |
1 N/mm2 | 145,038 | 0,06475 |
1 Kgf/mm2 | 1422,340 | 0,6350 |
Density: | Kg/m3 | |
1 lb/in3 | 2769,9 | |
1 lb/ft3 | 16,0815 | |
lb/in3 | lb/ft3 | |
1 Kg/m3 | 0,000036046 | 0,062428 |
Energy: | Joules | |
1 ft.lbf | 1,3558 | |
1 Kgf m | 9,80665 | |
ft.lbf | Kgf m | |
1 Joule | 0,73760 | 0,101972 |
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